Watching animal fights is quite fascinating. However, it is difficult to encounter fights between some animals due to the differences in their habitats. Animals that share territories and resources such as food are more likely to engage in fights quite often. Fights between wild and domestic animals may not happen often because they rarely interact. Have you ever wondered what would happen if a fox and a coyote fought, who will win? Fox or Coyote
Where do you found foxes?
Foxes belongs to the Canidae family and are found in different parts of Northern Africa, Asia, and Europe. This animal is well distributed all over the world.
What is average size, length and tail of a fox?
Foxes have different sizes based on species. For instance, red foxes are about 36 to 42 inches long. The size of the tail ranges between 14 to 16 inches. The height of these animals is about 40cm at their shoulder.
Must check- Fox vs Gray wolf
What is average weight of a fox?
Adult foxes weight between 10 and 15 pounds. However, there are foxes that weight about 31 pounds.
How a Red fox looks like?
Red foxes have rich reddish brown furs. Its legs and ears are usually black in color while the tail is white-tipped. However, the color of foxes is variable. Red foxes are well adapted to living in places where there is high population of humans such as large cities and suburbs.
What does a fox eat?
Foxes have strong teeth that allow them to prey on rabbits, moles, and mice. Additionally, they eat fruits, grains, pet food, and seeds among other readily available foods. Foxes are not quite aggressive so they have been eliminated from other habitats by stronger predators such as wolves. Red foxes have the ability to aggressively compete with small-sized predators for prey.
Are Coyotes larger than wolves?
Coyotes are small-sized as compared to larger predators such as wolves. When compared to foxes, coyotes are larger in size. This animal has a close appearance to the redwolf and the eastern wolf. Same as the fox, it belongs to the Felidae family.
What is average weight of a coyote?
Adult coyotes weigh between 6.8 and 21 kg.Just like most other mammals, male and female sizes are different. On average a female coyote weighs between 7 and 18 kg while a male weighs 8 and 20kg. This implies that males are generally larger than females.
How fast does a coyote runs?
Did you know that coyotes can run for about 69km/hr. Another important thing to note about coyotes is that they are carnivorous animals.
Must check- Coyote vs Bobcat comparison
What does a coyote eat?
Coyotes are good at preying small sized rabbits, rodents, amphibians, and fish.
What is length and size of coyote?
The length of coyotes ranges between 1 to 1.35m. Its tail is about 16 inches long which is the same size as that of a fox. Female coyotes have a shorter body than that of males. Surprisingly, the scent glands of coyotes are located at the tail.
Coyote vs Dog canines comparison
The canines of coyotes are more extended than those of dogs meaning that they are well adapted to eating flesh. Coyotes are not aggressive and rarely defend their territories. Interestingly, foxes avoid inhabiting areas with a high population of coyotes. The ability of coyotes to kill predators depends on group work.
Coyote vs Fox fight comparison- who will win?
Foxes and coyotes are natural enemies because they compete for the same resources. The fact that a coyote is larger than a fox suggests that it easily harm the latter. These animals tend to compete for prey and habitats.
A coyote is also stronger than a fox meaning that its bite could be more devastating than that of a fox. Based on their body size, coyotes have stronger and large teeth that could harm foxes. In the event of a fight, a fox has limited chances of winning due to its physical characteristics and temperament in comparison with coyotes.
Watch the Fox Vs Coyote hunting video below :
I hope you like reading on Fox vs Coyote fight comparison.
I don’t .like to talk about fox or coyote. Why does it seem to be like the fox is smiling? Look here, in this video you can see that too.
Fox is not smiling. Face looking like fox is smiling but actually not.
The fox weighs only 20 pounds and is small in size, upright ears and short limbs. Whereas coyotes are in between and weighs 20 to 40 pounds. Just as I can see, it is bigger than the fox but smaller than a wolf.
Coyote will be the winner here because of the bigger size.
Look, it has a coyote which makes the shape like a dog, nut dogs have different shape, and very loyal eyes.
Coyote looks like dogs and wolf.
The fox cannot kill a deer but a coyote can. Both of them lives on the same thing, like rabbit, snake, mammals but only coyotes can kill and eat deer.
Yes, you are right. Coyote can tear flesh. so, they can easily kill a deer.
Killing and hunting a Deer is difficult for a Fox.
So foxes are smaller and fast runner, so they take domestic animals like goats and hen too. The fox is known as a cunning animal, but a coyote is known as a western country animal.
Even Coyote runs faster as well. Heard that Coyote runs at speed of 69 Kms/hr.
Fox is naturally a cunning animal.
The fox is a nocturnal animal but a coyote hunts in the daytime too.
Thanks for adding more insights about fox and coyote.
Coyote looks like dog and wolf.
Hmmm, fox are so sensitive? They don’t mate with all? But with the one it selects. The coyote lives in pack, so it is social in its pack.
Foxes are the cunning animal and they cannot mate with any other animal whereas Coyote lives in packs.
Seems to me that a fox is thin but a coyote has more fur that makes him look healthy.
Foxes are even smaller than Coyote.
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Without seeing the video I thought a coyote is a fox. But now I see that a fox is a fox, I got it correct now.
No, both fox and coyote are not the same.
Even coyote, dog and wolf looks the same but they are different as well.
The fox has slanted eyes and straight ears but the coyote has triangular ears and a fox has normal ears
Appreciating you for adding more information on foxes and coyotes.
Both of them are not same in size. Fox are smaller and coyotes are bigger.
yes, you are right.
Coyote being a bigger in size, always a winner in a fight with foxes.
Watching this video, I think there are foxes where there are bushes and jungles. But coyotes are not so available.
Red foxes live close to humans and dense areas.
Coyotes are social animals.
Both of them have snouts, but there is a difference. The fox has a sharp one and the coyote has a blunt one.
@Alenandre- Thanks for adding more facts on coyote and foxes.
Remember? There is a story, “grapes are sour” remember? So foxes eat fruits. A sour truth. They eat birds, reptiles’ even insects. Can you believe, eating insects?
Foxes can eat anything even fruits. Even small animals like mice, mole and rabbits.
Why does the fox looks like it is going to take my rooster away?
Both foxes are cunning animals and come with a execution plan
Where is your rooster? The fox is only a picture, so what do you mean?
If you compare fox vs coyote fight then according to me, Coyote will win because of bigger size.
You can check fox weight, size, habitat, and diet.
I mean, both of them look like cunning thieves, ha ha ha.
Exactly, both are intelligent thieves.
Not to me, they look like, as if they are from the dog family.
They seem the same like dog and wolf.
The fox is a gentleman, not mating like other animals, ha ha ha, but the coyote is a social, haha, hmmm like men, loll.
Very funny, hahahaha
Fox is like women, choose partners by judging them.
Coyote is like men, they are not much choosy.
Oh, the fox stays with a vixen only at the mating time. It is a solitary animal.
Yes, Foxes are solitary animals.
I hope comparison on Coyote vs Fox will help you.
The entertainment world, “Fox”, did it match? What can be the story behind? The fox and the coyote both have a similarity with the dog. But they can be kept as pets, they are wild animals.
In this video both looks cut in one picture and on the other they look quite cunning. These animals are hunters. But if both of them fights together, the coyote is going to win. It is bigger, wilder, stronger and fit to kill deer and rabbit. So the coyote is the winner.
The fox is thin, which means, it can eat only when there is food. But a coyote is good at hunting and can deliver food for its own.