This is one fight that everyone would not like to miss. How would the vulture react in the face of the king of birds i.e. Eagle? Who would win when the two decide to fight- Eagle or vulture? This article is well designed to answer these questions about the eagle and the vulture and also give some of the roaring facts about these birds. Let’s get started by knowing the facts about these two birds.
What are interesting facts on an eagle?
The eagle belongs to the family of birds called Accipitridae. There are more than 60 species of eagles in the world, most of them being in Eurasia and Africa. The most popular species of eagles are:
The golden eagle, Bald eagle, White-tailed eagle, Steller’s eagle, Philippine eagle.
Eagles a can fly at amazing speeds, some can even fly in faster than cars! The golden eagle is able to fly at a whopping speed of 320 km/ hr.! This is faster than even what most cars have on their speedometers. This makes the escape of the prey very difficult. Once spotted the prey will surely get caught by the eagle. Other eagles that fly at high speeds are the Steppe eagle that can fly at a speed of 300 km/hr and the bald eagle that flies ate a speed of 160 km/hr.
Must check– Eagle vs Owl & Eagle vs Hawk
Other than their amazing speeds the Eagles have other amazing features. Some of the features include the great power possessed by the eagle’s talons. The talons are capable of crushing large mammal bones. It is also said that their grip is more than ten times that of a human hand. The golden and the bald eagle have an estimated grip of about 400 psi. This is not even comparable to the human 40 psi.
Why People disregard Vulture?
These are the birds of prey that feed on carrion which makes many people disregard them. Mentioning of the word vulture, what comes to most people mind is the ugly bald-headed and lazy bird that waits for the other animals to die so that they can eat their carcass.
Do vulture maintains ecosystem balance?
Other people also believe that vultures add no value to the earth and that the earth would be a better place without them. The truth is that the vultures are very important birds in the ecosystem and just like the eagle they also possess amazing features. In simple language vultures act as nature’s garbage disposers.
How many types of vultures are there?
There are more than 15 types of vultures. The most common ones being:
Griffon vulture, Black vulture, Turkey vulture and Egyptian vulture
What is size, weight, length of a vulture?
The size of a vulture varies with the species. For example, the size of the griffon vulture is 93 to 120 cm weighing 6.5 to 11kg while the black vulture being 93 to 120 cm and weighing 1.2 to 1.9 kg. This makes them one of the largest birds in the world.
Eagle vs vulture fight- who will win the fight?
The vulture can be larger than the eagle but can’t be compared with the characteristics and hunting skills possessed by the eagle, you will note that the eagle is more superior. The eagle is an experienced hunter, taking down many large animals and birds.
The eagle is used in killing big animals such as deer, monkeys, and foxes with its powerful talons. The eagle can use the same powerful talons and its experience on the vulture leaving it either dead or seriously injures.
In addition, the eagle has great flying speeds (golden eagle can glide in the air at 350km/hr) and therefore the vulture would not have a place to escape to. I hope you like reading on eagle vs vulture comparison.
Watch the Eagle vs vulture video below:
The eagle is a royal bird, but a vulture is an ugly looking primitive bird
yes, eagle is royal bird and given respect, thats why eagle treated as national bird of America and Philippines.
The vulture is a scavenger and lives on dead animals.
Vulture eat food and remains of hunt of others. they feed on dead animals.
As a bird, the vulture is bigger than the Eagle. See the eagle, so small beside the vulture.
Its not about the size, if you compare Vulture vs eagle, yes vulture is bigger but they feed on dead animals while eagle hunt its food on its own.
Eagle is a hunter bird of prey while vulture is a scavenger. But still vulture wins the fight with eagle. Plz look at this video.
In this video, Vulture looks more strong and bigger than eagle.
We should take vulture seriously now. The more votes are towards eagle.
The eagle flies in a gracious way, just love its spread wings!
Eagle is royal bird who flies on high altitude and I love to see them flying.
What a view, flying in the sky and trying to steal food!
They are air warriors, its always give pleasure to eyes, seeing an eagle flying high at sky.
Both eagle and vultures have become rare, Both are black but the vulture is not a beautiful bird.
It is saying of people that they hate vultures because they look ugly and never hunt food of its own.
Vultures steal food of others.
The eagle has long legs and the vulture has large wings.
Yes, Eagle are short and looks smaller than vultures but they have more in terms of experience and fight.
They sometimes, hunt animals bigger of their size.
What a huge beak, if ever they nip on something, will they be able to eat it? Oh yes, the eagle
did it! Look at the poor vulture, trying to sneak!
I love eagle because of their attitude towards life, survival of the fittest is what we have learnt. Eagle always superior than vulture.
The eagle is a beautiful bird! I wish I could take one as a pet.
People treated eagle as pet. There are so many types of eagles like steller sea eagle, harpy eagle, bald eagle, philippine eagle, golden eagle, brown eagle etc.
The vultur1e looks bigger than the eagle but it is waiting to steal, hey, get your own food, not the eagles.
I hate vultures due to this fact that they steal food of others.
Vultures are bigger in size and they are waiting for their opportunity/ turn to steal the food.
The eagle, young or adult, looks very strong and well built.
The eagle is very strong and powerful, even hunt deers, monkeys and goats.
Eagles are strong not only with body or soul but they are great hunters! Goat, iguana or snake, anything can be its prey!
Eagle can hunt anything.