This article will feature a fight between two animal families, the Elephantidae and the Cat family. We have the largest animals in the two groups that is the elephant and the tiger representing the Elephantidae and the cat families respectively. But before we get to the fight, we need some of the guiding facts that can prove one animal better than the other, who will win- African elephant vs Siberian tiger.
What is the colour of the Siberian tiger?
Also known as the Amur tiger, the Siberian tiger is the largest cat in the world. It is well adapted to its cold climatic habitat by having a thick layer of fat and a dense layer of fur on its skin. It also has reddish or yellow fur with dark and widely separated brown stripes.
What is size, weight, length and tail of Siberian tiger?
The Siberian tiger has a long flexible body which measures 70 and 82 inches in males and females respectively, with a tail measuring 1 m (3ft). The largest tiger ever had a length of 138 inches.
The average weight adult in the wild is 474 pounds in males and 300 pounds in females but in captivity, it can reach up to 1025 lbs. An adult male can weigh up to 700 lb(320 kg) while the females weighing up to 400 lb (180 kg).
The animal is known to cause fear among human beings due to its power and strength.
Do Siberian tigers have same striped patterns?
One amazing fact about the Siberian tiger is that among the tigers there is no tiger with the same striped pattern, just as in the fingerprint of human beings. Despite these amazing facts about the Siberian tiger, it has been classifieds among the endangered animals by the IUNC. The main risk being poaching.
What is weight, size and height of African Elephant?
The African elephant is the largest mammal living on land. The animal weighs about 6.3 tonnes and has a height of about 3.3 m. Due to its impressive size, the elephant does not have predators. The elephants are known to be herbivores feeding on grasses small plants bushed, wild fruits and backs of trees.
Must check– Mammoth vs Elephant
How Does Elephant defend itself?
Elephants are quite defensive on their young ones. They are able to use their trunks and tusks on any predator trying to capture their young ones.
African elephants have also been known to cause human deaths around the national parks in most African countries. Though they are dangerous, African elephants are social animals. They live in groups which are led by the oldest female in the group.
Siberian tiger vs African elephant- who will win?
The possible reason for a fight maybe when tigers attack and try to kill the elephant’s calf for food, causing a fight between the mother of the calf and the tiger. The elephant with its menacing tusks can lethally impale the tiger casing fatal wounds on the tiger’s body. A well-placed kick on the tiger can break the bones and shatter the skull of the tiger.
The tiger is known for holding its prey with its forelimbs and biting the neck of the prey. But the elephant is way much bigger than the tiger and it may require around three tigers or more to take down a fully grown elephant. Therefore the elephant can win against the Siberian tiger.
Africa is the home of many wild animals we have in the world, the African elephant being one of them. Unfortunately, the number of these animals is reducing each and every day. The reduction in the number of African elephants, for example, has been caused by illegal poaching and harsh climatic conditions caused by global warming.
Today only 450,000 – 700,000 African elephants are left, compared to what was there some decades ago you can note the animals are in the way of being extinct in the near future.
Watch who will be the king when an elephant meets the tiger in the video below.
I hope you like the article on Siberian tiger vs African elephant.
elephant wins because he’s bigger and he has a trunk 1 hit from trunk can kill a lion so it might kill a tiger and here whats i think[ the tiger bites the elephant then the elephant hits the tiger with the trunk the tiger lays down lifeless and the elephant walks away in victory.
elephant wins because he’s bigger and he has a trunk 1 hit from trunk can kill a lion so it might kill a tiger and here whats i think.
the tiger bites the elephant then the elephant hits the tiger with the trunk the tiger lays down lifeless and the elephant walks away in victory.
sorry i repeat myself