The Lion is the King of the Jungle because many animals are afraid of it as it possesses special hunting abilities. There are several lion families that are found in the wild. Two of them include the African lion and the Asiatic lion. It is fascinating to compare them based on family and characteristics and knowing the stronger candidate between them. The detailed comparison between Asiatic lion vs African lion is given below-
Must check– African Lion vs Siberian Tiger
What are the interesting facts about African Lion?
It is a common species of Lion and found in large numbers in many parts of Africa. It has a larger population when compared to the Asian lion. They are faster as well as more agile in hunting as well.
How big is an African Lion?
They are known to be the tallest members of the Lion family. The average African lion weighs from 120 kgs to 190 kgs, and the body ranges from 1.5 to 2 meters. They are dangerous hunters, and their size varies from environment to environment.
Do Lions live in groups?
Mostly, the lions live in groups called prides and females never leave the pride. They are efficient hunters and do it in a group. Most females go for hunting. They readily share foods with all and take a role in most of the group activities. They are well known for their fearsome fighting prowess and males do the duty of protecting the pride.
How long can an African Lion live?
The average lifespan of the African lion is 15 to 18 years in the wild and almost up to 30 years in captivity.
What are some interesting facts about Asian Lion?
The Asian Lion belongs to the family Panthera Leo Prescia. It is a subspecies of the African lion. They survive only in forest reserve areas and do not survive in tropical areas.
What is the size, length, weight of an Asian Lion?
The Asian lion is usually smaller than the African lion and weighs between 350 to 420 pounds accordingly. On the other hand, the female weighs between 240 to 360 pounds. The height of the Asiatic lion will be around 9 feet from the tip of its nose to the tail.
What does the Asian Lion look like?
It is relatively short and has a sparse mane by which is prominently visible. It is less developed and darker than the African lion. It has thicker elbow tufts and a longer tail than the African lion. It has a smaller spine and function according to it. The Asiatic lion has a longitudinal fold of skin that runs along the belly.
Why do Lions live in Pride?
The Asiatic lion is highly sociable and lives in social units called pride. The number of members in their pride is more than that of the African Lion. In fact, they tend to live in close association with a female lion. It controls large territories and quickly scares off any rivals.
African Lion vs Asiatic Lion fight Comparison
I personally think that if both lions- African vs Asiatic goes head to head then it is the African lion who is going to win the fight as African lion is known for its hunting abilities and preying on larger animals.
This video is about Asiatic Lion Vs African the comparison of size, power and danger.
I hope you like reading a comparison of Asiatic lion vs African lion.