Have you ever seen quills on the face of a Bulldog or any other dog? If yes then the question will arise in your mind, who is more powerful to win the fight between Porcupine vs Dog. Here you can know comparison and difference between Dog vs Porcupine.
What are the interesting facts about Porcupines?
Porcupines are herbivorous rodent mammals, indigenous to Americas as well as southeast Asia and Africa. They are quite large, 2-3 feet long with an 8-10 inch tail, and do not curl up. They are slow moving and large with sharp quills on their backs. Very few people keep them as pets, as it is potentially very risky to stay safe with a porcupine.
Where are Porcupines found?
Porcupines are found on every continent except Antarctica. So, scientists decided to group them into two groups: Old World porcupines and New World porcupines. Old World porcupines are mostly found in Africa, Europe, and Asia. North, Central, and South America are occupied by new world porcupines. North American porcupine is the only species found in the United States and Canada.
How does a Porcupine shoot quills?
Some Porcupine’s body occupy 30,000 quills. But porcupines can’t shoot out their quills. They can only release their quills when predators get near to harm them. Porcupine quills can be barbed, and the quills are released by contact or sometimes when the porcupine shakes its body.
How does a Porcupine protect itself?
Porcupines use the quills as a defence. They just shake their body, which makes them rattle. If that doesn’t work, they may charge backwards into the predator. The quills are loosely attached, so the Porcupine can easily attack using them but they cannot be thrown or projected.
What are some interesting facts about Dogs?
The dog is a domesticated, carnivorous mammal often kept as a pet or service animal. Dogs bark, whine and howl at times. The dog is the best creature ever created. They are very loyal to humans. They can sense electromagnetic fields, smells that we cannot smell, sounds, vibration and environmental factors. Dogs are part of Greek and Persian mythology.
They’re complex animals and are about as versatile as any creature on earth. Dogs and domesticated house cats are the only animals that make the most wonderful, loving, entertaining and companionable pets on this earth!
Are Dogs pack animals?
A Dog’s digestive system is designed to begin in their stomachs and small intestines. Dogs are pack animals, and so they think about being around a bunch of other hungry family members when they come across food (either hunting or killing or foraging). So, the dog’s natural instinct is to jump and grab as much food as possible in as short a time as possible.
How many teeth does a Dog have?
A typical dog has a mouthful of 42 permanent teeth, while the average human has 32. Their sharp teeth are mostly used for rending and tearing.
Porcupine vs Dog fight comparison- Who will Win?
According to the facts above, dogs can’t stand against a porcupine for a long time. A Porcupine could kill an adult lion if it shot its quill at the Lion’s face. Then imagine what would happen when a single porcupine faces a dog. If a dog even manages to kill the porcupine, it would die due to the quills inside its body.
The Dog’s face and mouth will be full of quills and it will be dripping in its own blood. Porcupines don’t curl up into a ball. They erect their quills and then run backward, and those things are razor sharp and not particularly strongly attached to the porcupine.
Porcupine quills are not like needles that come out easily. They are barbed and once it gets into an enemy, the quills don’t come out easily. If a dog was in the wild, it would have starved to death as it wouldn’t be able to close its mouth.
I hope you liked reading this article on Porcupine vs Dog fight.